Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Our Real Book

Sooo... last entry? Neato. Short and sweet to wrap things up, then.

I would have to disagree with Lewis' notion that Till We Have Faces is his greatest work. I thought Perelanda and even the Narnia series were more rich in extraordinary thoughts. Nevertheless, the novel still had a number of wonderful topics and ideas that I found very intriguing.

I thought that Till We Have Faces really went out with a bang. I kept thinking "Why wasn't the rest of the novel this good?" while reading it. I thought the part where Orual read her real book of complaints against the Gods both very intriguing and close to home. It's very easy to believe that our frustrations with God to be altruistic and concerned about the good of others when really they're almost entirely out of selfishness. It takes a truly humble person to really admit the source of his or her feelings. Hopefully I can learn that lesson now and not be faced with an eventual shameful realization like Orual had.